Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukraine - vigils, sanctions, demonstrations - and hypocrisy

Dear brothers and sisters, I receive many messages on this and other channels, messages of indignation, disappointment, confusion because of the scourge of war unleashed by the Napoleon of the 21st century, who is preparing to change the European order by force. There are calls for expressions of solidarity, vigils, petitions, sanctions, etc pp. I think all these would be good actions if they were built on a solid personal and social foundation. But they are not. They are declarations of powerlessness and actually admissions of guilt, which, if they do not lead to repentance, atonement and active conversion, threaten to completely exhaust our resilience, already enormously weakened due to the madness of the unwinnable wars against climate change and viruses. There is a threat of sadness and despair, more and more fear and then - nothingness. We will no longer turn around the fate that threatens us, and that we have helped to create over at least 30 years, through sentiment and candles. 50 million abortions of innocent children every year in the world... In the USA, a law is being passed through the parliament that will allow abortion until birth... Who will see it...? Who is praying? Who is doing vigils in front of the US embassy...? We hypocrites...  It's probably 5 past 12, and unless a miracle happens (3rd Fatima Mystery??), things will probably get a lot worse before they can get better. If they ever will. The true scourge is the godlessness, yes the apostasy of the whole west from God. The GOD-lessness opens door and gate for the idolization of money, power, nation, sex, gender, climate, health (I, I, I… that is the call). All these things can contribute to the good, but without an even louder YOU, YOU, YOU to GOD each one of them becomes a lie. Let's stop it immediately. Lent is just around the corner! It is also called the pre-Easter penitential season. Who of us has already atoned for the great sins of our time and nations? Let us finally make the coming days a time of penance. We can still do it voluntarily. If we do not voluntarily renounce, "tear our clothes and spread ashes on our heads", then someone else will. For sure. Candles and demonstrations or not. Pray. Be serious. And become so joyful and free. Prayer and communion! We have just prayed and had a meal at Ethos.MARIA for 6 hours. There are initiatives like this everywhere. And they give hope. Una Sancta - Spes Unica. Read the 21st chapter of the Gospel of Luke... And listen to the readings of 24.2. The day of the beginning of the war. I was overwhelmed when I heard this in the evening... They were replaced by the feast of St. Matthias... James 5, Psalm 49, Mark 9, 41ff - God bless you all - and all who now have to suffer as victims and perpetrators in the East and all over the world... Sincerely, seriously and joyfully - Your JP